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Notify Abroad - an app to relay messages from my Indian mobile number

·325 words·2 mins·

When I came to the US for my master’s, it was an unavoidable need to have access to the OTPs or calls that come to my Indian number, which, by the way, I left at home. Since it was not feasible to make a human relay the OTPs every time the Indian number received one, I built an app to forward them automatically to my Telegram chat and called it ‘Notify Abroad’.


Download #

You can find the latest version of APK on GitHub.

Instructions #

  • Create a Telegram account if you don’t have one already, before proceeding to the next step.
  • Create a Telegram bot with the help of Botfather.
  • Note down the token associated with the bot.
    • Do not share this token with anyone.
  • Open your bot’s chat and press the START button.
    • This is important! Otherwise, the bot can’t send you any notification.
  • With the help of Chat ID Echo Bot, note down your own Telegram user ID.
  • Open the Notify Abroad app, enter both the token & your user ID and save the settings.
  • Hola! All your messages/calls will be forwarded to your Telegram chat.
  • Important - Some devices prevent the app from running in background to optimize its battery. To override that, you can add Notify Abroad to the battery optimization exemptions.
    • This can usually be done by changing the app’s battery optimization setting to “Don’t optimize” under Settings > Apps > All apps > Notify Abroad > Battery.
    • Check this link for more details.
  • Ensure that the device, this app is installed on, is charged and connected to the internet all the time.

Source Code #

Find the source code on GitHub.

Privacy Policy #

No analytics, no tracking, and no BS.

This app merely acts as a relay between your device & Telegram’s servers. Apart from that, the app does not do anything with your data. If you would like to read how Telegram processes your data, go here.

Screenshots #